3, Apr 2024
How to Get a Job As a Temporary Worker in France
EuWorkers Temporary Worker, known as an Interimaire in France, is someone who takes on temporary employment assignments to support businesses during peak periods or for specific projects. They often work across a variety of industries including hospitality, retail, administration and logistics.
The salary range for Temporary Workers in france can vary between EUR 9 – 14 per hour, depending on industry & job type. The minimum salary is set by law, and must be respected. Wages are paid monthly, either by cheque or directly to the employee’s bank account, and include all deductions such as tax & social sercurity payments. At the end of each assignment, the Temporary Worker is entitled to compensation for the period during which they performed the assigned task.
Temporary Work Contracts in France: Types and Characteristics
Foreigners who are not eligible for one of the Talent Passports may be granted a residence permit (temporary worker) which allows them to engage in salaried activity if their contract is terminated before the expiry date. This type of permit is authorised for a specific period of time, and may be renewed.
If you’re considering a short-term contract in France, it’s important to prepare a strong CV that highlights your skills and experience. You should also have a good grasp of French, as most employers will want to see evidence of your language capabilities before hiring you. In addition, you’ll be required to have a visa if you’re not from an EU/EFTA country. Fortunately, this is looked after by your employer, and the process should be completed through your French embassy or consulate in your home country – for example the French embassy in London.
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